Kinderspiel des Jahres 2021
Dragomino by Bruno Cathala, Marie Fort and Wilfried Fort
Pegasus Spiele and Blue Orange
Illustration: Maëva da Silva and Christine Deschamps
2 to 4 players aged 5 and up
Also nominated:
Fabelwelten (Storytailors) by Wilfried Fort and Marie Fort
Lifestyle Boardgames
Illustration: Eugene Smolenceva and Irina Pechenkina
2 to 6 players aged 5 and up
Mia London by Antoine Bauza and Corentin Lebrat
Scorpion Masqué
Illustration: Nikao
2 to 4 players aged 5 and up
Recommendation list Kinderspiel
Hipp Hopp Hippo by Anna Oppolzer and Stefan Kloß (Schmidt)
Inspektor Nase (Inspector Nose) by Reinhard Staupe (NSV)
Käpt’n Kuller by Kirsten Hiese (Schmidt)
Memo Friends (Goula/Jumbo)
Swip’Sheep by Yann Dupont (Djeco)
Tapikékoi? by Romaric Galonnier and Laurent Toulouse (Djeco)
Traumfänger (Dream Catcher) by David Franck and Laurent Escoffier (Space Cow)